June 7, 2005. Timmy Nolan's bar in Burbank. Happy Birthday, Laura!

Laura Fraser got another year older this night. We celebrated by drinking and eating at Timmy Nolan's... waitaminute. We do that every week. Oh, well... This time there was a totally different dynamic (and far less heat) 'cuz we lost some of our regular crew and gained a few other friends. Laura's husband, Scott, and John's roommate, Jake, showed up as well as Darius, Dan, Rex Cavanaugh and Stephanie DuBois from class. Mikaela, another classmate, came by a bit late, and brought her boyfriend, Casmir, and friend, Laura. As always, a good time was had by all. I think.

click on picture to enlarge.

Birthday girl and hubby

Darius and Dan plot and snicker behind John's back
Me. Scared.

John's always in for a game of
Rex is too sexy for you
Ms. DuBois

"That's right. My t-shirt and hair are all wet. Wanna make something of it?"
Drinks. Now.
Darius and date

"XanaDU! XanadooOoo!"
I guess everybody WAS kung-fu fighting
Lurker Jake

Mikaela and Laura
It's the end of the night and Dave's not havin' it

NOBODY touches the HAT!!!
Mmmm... Sam Adams...